Friday, December 7, 2012

Bible Verses Against Slavery

Exodus 21:6 "Anyone who kidnaps another and either sells him or still has him when he is caught must be put to death."
This verse condemns people like the ones who ran the African slave trade, and it would also condemns groups who kidnap children for things like Monarch Programming

Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
No one should have their will taken and be made a slave to someone else--we're all EQUAL and we all have rights.

Acts 17:26-28 "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 27 so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’"
God made everyone to seek Him. If you're mind controlling someone into slavery, robbing them of their will, they're going to have a pretty hard time seeking God. Something tells me God wouldn't be too pleased with a person who was doing that to someone.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012



Facts About North America

1.)    North America is the 3rd largest continent.

2.)    Twenty-four (24) countries make up the continent of North America.

3.)    About 502 million people live in North America.

4.)    Most North Americans speak English, Spanish, or French.

5.)    North America was named after the explorer Americo Vespucci.

6.)    Mexico City, Mexico is the largest city in North America.

Facts About MK Ultra/Monarch Mind Control Slaves (in North America)

1.)    MK Ultra began in the 1940s with what was known as Operation Paperclip, when the CIA recruited Nazi scientists and psychiatrists (who were all high-ranking SS officers that committed heinous atrocities in concentration camps during WW2.) These war criminals were given the option to either work with the CIA in labs (such as Los Alamos) for even more than what the Germans paid, or be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You can guess which one most of them chose. "History of MK Ultra." History of MK Ultra. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

2.)    This is no conspiracy theory—Operation Paperclip is on public record, and it is a fact that the CIA conducted mind control experimentation from the 1940s onward using the Nazi scientists imported by the U.S government. "History of MK Ultra." History of MK Ultra. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.


3.)     The MK-Ultra program entailed a very wide range of projects, all concerning themselves with mind control. Documentation reveals at least 149 sub-projects. Everything from brainwashing and repatriotization, to creating unwitting couriers of classified information, to turning the average Joe into an assassin without ever knowing they were even being manipulated, was looked into in a "how can we do this?" sort of way. This was accomplished by way of a steady diet of drugs hypnosis and trauma.” "History of MK Ultra." History of MK Ultra. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

4.)    “In 1975, during the first senate committee meeting concerning MK Ultra it was said; "From its beginning in the early 1950s until its termination in 1963, the program of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting non-volunteer human subjects demonstrates a failure of the CIA's leadership to pay adequate attention to the rights of individuals and to provide effective guidance to CIA employees.
Though it was known that the testing was dangerous, the lives and sanity of test subjects were placed in jeopardy and ignored.... Although it was clear that the laws of the United States were being violated, the testing continued."”
"History of MK Ultra." History of MK Ultra. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

5.)    Obviously, this isn’t a topic that is openly discussed in North America (or anywhere), and the nature of mind control slavery is so hidden that it’s hard to find statistics. But some “insiders” (as well as government records that haven’t been destroyed) claim that the victims number in the millions:                                                                                  An excerpt from online book – 1st part – Cisco Wheeler (mind controlled slave) interview

Cisco Wheeler:
I knew in 1968 that there were over 2 million MKULTRA's. Since then I don't have the awareness or the knowledge because I am not seeing the paperwork or the records to tell me how many. If I was making a guess, I would say 10 million.

Wayne Morris:
How did you know 2 million were involved?

Cisco Wheeler: Because I was a programmer and I saw the documented records on this. "James Holmes 10 Million CIA MK Ultra Victims?" James Holmes. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.

6.)    Monarch Programming is a mind-control technique used mostly on children to make them dissociate from reality” by putting them through extreme abuse and trauma. “During sexual abuse, electroshock therapy and all kinds of sadistic tortures, mind control slaves are encouraged to dissociate from reality and to go to “a happy place”. The use of fairy tale imagery is used to reinforce programming and to create an alternate reality. The victim’s brain, in self-preservation mode, creates a new persona (an “alter”) as a defense mechanism to the abuse. The blurring of the lines between reality and fantasy makes the slave totally oblivious of his/her true state.” "Paramore's "Brick by Boring Brick": A Song about Monarch Programming | The Vigilant Citizen." The Vigilant Citizen. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ministries and Non-Profits

Because this kind of mind control is demonically influenced, the only non-profit organization capable of helping victims of this type of slavery is...

You, me, and everyone else who calls themself a Christian.

As Christians, we are called to pray for the lost, and we are given authority to cast out demons and trample the works of Satan:

"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19

At the end of the day, whether you believe any of what's on this blog or not, one thing is certain: until Jesus returns, this world is going to remain filled with all forms of evil and depravity. Don't stick your head in the sand when you're confronted with this truth because you don't want to believe such heinous things happen. Instead, put on the armor of God and pray for opportunities to spread his love and deliver those who are in bondage to the enemy, whether it's because they are mind control slaves or simply slaves to sin.

Comparison to Pre-Civil War Slavery

There are many different kinds of slavery/human trafficking. Hard labor, prostituion, debt bondage. The African American slaves prior to the civil war were kidnapped from their homes in Africa, taken away from everything they knew and loved, and forced to work on plantations for brutal masters. They were beaten, raped, and deprived of any type of human dignity. It truly was a hellish existance, and it thankfully came to an end on Janruary 1, 1863, when all slaves were declared free under the Emancipation Proclamation.

But consider this--the African American slaves suffered horrific physical and emotional pain. But one thing that the slave masters could never take was their minds. Their ability to dream and hope that maybe one day they could become free. And many corageous slaves did manage to make their dreams a reality by escaping. Now, if the government documents and personal testimonies are true, and there really are people who are having their souls shattered into multiple personalities, being manipulated through sophisticated torture techniques...imagine how horrible it would be to not even have control over your own thoughts and actions. At least the African American slaves COULD resist their masters if they were willing to risk the consequences. These MK Ultra and Monarch slaves, if their claims are to be believed, can't even inwardly protest to what happens to them.

Obvioulsy, all forms of slavery are terrible, but I believe that the idea of mind control takes it to a whole new level of disturbing.

Two Testimonies

Original Article:

Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture

September 21, 2008
books(This reprises an article that originally appeared on this site five years ago. My interview with "Mary Anne" who was an Illuminati insider can be heard here ) 
Two women tortured, brainwashed and prostituted by the Illuminati paint a disturbing picture of how the world is really run. Both say they were prostituted to world leaders as children.
They are Brice Taylor, author of Thanks for the Memories (1999) and Cathy O'Brien (with Mark Phillips) author of Trance-Formation of America (1995).
These books are consistent and confirm the revelations of Illuminati programmer "Svali" ("Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy.") If you want to understand the world, you must read these three women.
Essentially every country is run by a shadow government, which owes its loyalty to the New World Order controlled by a 13-member Illuminati Council.
According to Svali, "each ruler represents an area of Europe held under its sway; and each one represents an ancient dynastic bloodline." American leaders are often direct descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate.
According to Taylor, Henry Kissinger is the CEO for the Illuminati who naturally prefer to remain in the shadows. Our political leaders are chosen by their moral frailties, blackmail-ability, and willingness to advance the Illuminati plan. Strings are pulled and they mysteriously rise to prominence. It doesn't matter which party they belong to. They secretly serve the "Cause."
Many are products of a life that may include pedophilia, drug trafficking and consumption, child pornography, bestiality, mind control, rape, torture, satanic rituals and human sacrifices. They are given many opportunities to indulge their vices, which ensures continued obedience and solidarity.
Drug trafficking, white slavery, prostitution and pornography finance secret New World Order programs. Elements of the CIA, FBI, Coast Guard, Military, and police are all involved, as is the Mafia.
This information may upset or enrage some people. I could not bring myself to read these books for over two years. The torture and depravity they describe is excruciating. My mental filters would not accept it. Writing about it is difficult.
leadersThe public has a child-like trust in its leaders, especially Presidents. The charge that they really belong to a sadistic, criminal, traitorous syndicate is a betrayal on the scale of incest.
We respond with denial and anger. We don't want to admit that we are dupes and our perception of reality is false. Dumbed down, we are incapable of common sense and concerted action. We refuse to contemplate what they may have in store. Better to ridicule the messenger and change the channel.
These women could have remained silent and found some much deserved peace and happiness. Instead they are taking great risks to warn humanity of the danger. Are we going to listen?


Both Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor were victims of the CIA's MK-Ultra mind control program, which is designed to create human robots to serve functions ranging from prostitutes to couriers to killers.
Their families belong to secret satanic sects that sexually abuse their children generation after generation to produce the trauma which causes multiple personality disorder. In this traumatized condition the mind splinters into many compartments. Victims exhibit extraordinary powers of recollection and endurance and can be easily programmed to do anything.
These cults operate within many organizations including charities, churches, boys/girls clubs, Masonic lodges, day cares and private schools.
Society is being subjected to the same type of trauma-based programming using constant war and atrocities that include Auschwitz, Hiroshima, the Kennedy assassinations, Sept. 11 and Abu Ghraib. We are being collectively desensitized on the one hand, and programmed to focus on sex, violence, trivia and empty social rituals on the other.
CathyBoth women were sexually abused as babies. Cathy O'Brien was often given her father's penis instead of a baby bottle. Congressman Gerald Ford, who was involved in drug trafficking and child pornography with the Michigan mob, initiated her into the MK Ultra Program. (No wonder Betty Ford drank.)
O'Brien's father prostituted her as a child to friends, business associates and politicians as a favor, or for money. She also appeared in numerous child pornography and bestiality films. When you read this book you will understand who Jon Benet Ramsay was and why there was no resolution to her murder.


O'Brien (born in 1957) says she serviced an array of politicians including the cocaine snorting Clintons (A Three-Way), Ronald Reagan, George H.W Bush, Dick Cheney, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Governors Lamar Alexander and Richard Thornburgh, Bill Bennett (author of The Book of Virtues), Senators Patrick Leahy, Robert Byrd (her handler) and Arlen Spector. Notable by their absence were Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. Taylor (born in 1951) slept with JFK and LBJ as a preteen and teenager.
When O'Brien's daughter Kelly was born in 1980, they often worked as a mother-daughter team. George H.W. Bush particularly liked Kelly. Cheney is not a pederast because his large genitals horrify children. (195)
Referring to George Bush, Dick Cheney told her: "A Vice President is just that, an undercover agent taking control of the drug industry for the President." (158)
George Bush Jr. was present on one occasion but is not accused. (196) O'Brien was rescued by Mark Philips in 1988. It is likely that Bush Jr. is involved in this mind control, drug and sex scene. Rumors swirl around him and his behavior is erratic. Remember the pretzel incident? In 2003, Margie Schroedinger a woman who was suing the President for rape "committed suicide."
Washington Times CoverSen. Robert Byrd, who controls the nation's purse strings, justified to Cathy his involvement in drug distribution, pornography and white slavery as a means of "gaining control of all illegal activity world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control."
He said, "95% of the people want to be led by the 5%." Proof is that "the 95% do not want to know what really goes on in government." Byrd believed that mankind must take a "giant step in evolution through creating a superior race."
Byrd believed in "the annihilation of underprivileged nations and cultures" through genocide and genetic engineering to breed "the more gifted, the blonds of the world." (118)
O'Brien visited a series secret paramilitary compounds throughout the US like one at Mount Shasta in California. "I learned that this not-so-secret military buildup consisted of special forces trained robotic soldiers, black unmarked helicopters, and top secret weaponry including electromagnetic mind control equipment."
At these compounds O'Brien and her daughter were often hunted like wild animals, tortured and raped for the amusement of CIA, military and politicians.
O'Brien worked as a sex slave at Bohemian Grove, the elite's perversion playground on the Russian River in California. She says the place is wired for video in order to capture world leaders in compromising acts.
"Slaves of advancing age or with failing programming were ritualistically murdered at random in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove...There was a room of shackles and tortures, an opium den, ritualistic sex altars, group orgy rooms...I was used as a "rag doll" in the toy store and as a urinal in the "golden arches" room." (169-170)
Strangely, mind controlled sex slaves are used as diplomats and lobbyists as well. At a Governor's Conference, Secretary of Education Bill Bennett advised O'Brien to "persuade these Governors at their weakest moment, bring them to their knees while you are on yours, and convince them that global education [the Education 2000 initiative] is the way to the future if there is to be any future at all." (173)
O'Brien's book is available directly from her. It is also available from (search Mark Phillips).

Why did the Illuminati let these women live? I don't know. I don't know how many they have killed. Perhaps they want the truth to be known gradually. Perhaps they have a shred of decency left. Perhaps they are confident of their power, and think these women won't be believed.
As the Kennedy assassination and 9-11 prove, the United States (and most countries) have been totally subverted by a Luciferian international criminal elite. The role of politicians, media and education is to keep the sheep deluded and distracted while the elite stealthily advances its goal of world tyranny. Western society today is a massive fraud.
It is tragic that brave young American soldiers have been brainwashed to believe they are advancing freedom when the opposite is the case. A reader tells me that this article is treason. Is it patriotic to obey traitors?
The populations of the West are spoiled, self centered and complacent. How can things be so bad when we have so much? We don't realize that the goodies can be taken away in a second by tightening credit.
We don't realize that we are being distracted while our political and social institutions, our bulwarks against tyranny, are being infiltrated and dismantled. Our children are being brainwashed.
Don't ask, "What can we do?" That is conditioned helplessness. Figure it out yourself. Take responsibility. Send me your ideas. There is no quick fix to this mess. But we must stand up for truth. They may have the weapons of mass deception, but, as Cathy O'Brien says, "the truth doesn't go away."


Chapter Twenty-six: Dodger Diamonds The following information documents some, but by no means all, of the experiences I recovered in relation to my use with Tommy Lasorda and the Los Angeles Dodgers. I have randomly selected specific events I believe will aid you the reader in understanding just how far mind control, gone unchecked, has proliferated.
Tommy Lasorda gave a new meaning to the Dodger lineup. Instead of the Dodgers lining up, it was women and children lining up for the baseball team to choose from, for sex. A Dodger incentive to do better - to win more! If they won, they got to choose - if they lost, no women.
"Dodger diamonds" had a double meaning. In addition to the baseball diamond as on a baseball field, in my experience, it also referred to the "Dodger Diamonds," the mind-controlled women the Dodgers could select from for sex. Lasorda often spoke in cryptic language, intended to manipulate and inspire the Dodgers. Here's an example. One evening as he spoke to the team, he said, "If you play good on the Dodger diamond (the playing field), you will get in return a 'Dodger Diamond"' (a sex slave). Presidential model sex slaves often wore diamonds as program identifiers. My daughter and I wore diamonds, as well.
Back in the men's locker room when the women and children in the "Dodger lineup" were in their places, Lasorda would point to a woman or child who had been 'chosen' by a player and say, "he'll take that one." He never referred to anyone by name - always just pointed and said, "that one." It was part of the "game" they played after a win. The Dodgers weren't allowed to just go up and pick one of us. They had to tell Lasorda who they wanted and then he would make the announcement. We then stepped forward to the player we were chosen by and went with him to another room, corner or wherever he pleased. Sometimes the locker room was filled with Dodgers having sex with women and children at the 7th inning stretch, to "inspire and invigorate the team," as Lasorda would say. But most of the time it was done after a winning game.
Sometimes I got stuck with that little short guy - the one that walked like a duck to first base. His name was Ron Cey. He would often pick me from the lineup. After I was chosen, he would lean against the wall with one arm and talk casually to me for a minute before he had sex with me. He was impressed with how well I could have sex standing up against the wall. He also liked my hair and the whole idea that I was married. He seemed to know all about me, while I knew nothing about him, except that he smelled like sweat and was really gross to the personality inside me who was created especially for this Dodger purpose.
Cyndy Garvey (Steve Garvey's now ex-wife) was often part of the "Dodger lineup" of women and children to be chosen by the Dodgers for sex after a winning game. My daughter Kelly was also occasionally used. They usually put Krisha and Whitney (the Garvey's young daughters) into the lineup. The players who performed the best during the game got to choose first.
One night when they put Krisha and Whitney in the lineup, it was Whitney's first night. She was now "old enough" to participate, in spite of the fact that she was only four or five years old. Cyndy started screaming, "No, not Whitty!" (That was the nickname she called Whitney.) Two men stepped forward and grabbed Cyndy by the arms and whisked her away. They took her into the next room and we could all hear her screaming. It was awful.
"If you step out of line, you always pay the price, maybe with your life." Lasorda said. Then they took Whitney out of the line and into a side room, and we could all hear her screaming and crying. Lasorda said to those of us remaining, "We won't have that problem anymore, will we." He was very brutal.

Articles About Mind Control Slavery

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military  and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim)  and  the expected results are horrifying: The creation of a mind-controlled slave who can be triggered at anytime to perform any action required by the handler.  While mass media ignores this issue, over 2 million Americans have gone through the horrors of this program. This article looks at the origins of Monarch programming and some of its methods and symbolism.

NOTE: This article contains disturbing elements and might trigger Monarch survivors.
Monarch programming is a mind-control technique comprising elements of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It utilizes a combination of psychology, neuroscience and occult rituals to create within the slaves an alter persona that can be triggered and programmed by the handlers. Monarch slaves are used by several organizations connected with the world elite in fields such as the military, sex slavery and the entertainment industry. This article will look at the origins of Monarch programming, its techniques and its symbolism.


Throughout the course of history, several accounts have been recorded describing rituals and practices resembling mind control. One of the earliest writings giving reference to the use of occultism to manipulate the mind can be found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It is a compilation of rituals, heavily studied by today’s secret societies, which describes methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate. Other events ascribed to black magic, sorcery and demon possession (where the victim is animated by an outside force) are also ancestors of Monarch programming.
It is, however, during the 20th century that mind control became a science in the modern sense of the term, where thousands of subjects have been systematically observed, documented and experimented on.
One of the first methodical studies on trauma-based mind control were conducted by Josef Mengele, a physician working in Nazi concentration camps. He initially gained notoriety for being one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of arriving prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced labourer. However, he is mostly known for performing grisly human experiments on camp inmates, including children, for which Mengele was called the “Angel of Death”.
Joseph Mengele, 1935
Mengele is infamous for his sordid human experiments on concentration camps prisoners, especially on twins. A part of his work that is rarely mentioned  however, is his research on mind control. Much of his research in this field was confiscated by the Allies and is still classified to this day.
“DR. GREEN (Dr. Joseph Mengele): The most significant programmer, perhaps one could give him the title of the father of Monarch Programming was Joseph Mengele, an ex-Nazi Concentration Camp doctor. Thousands of Monarch mindcontrolled slaves in the U.S. had “Dr. Green” as their chief programmer. “1
“Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma-based Monarch Project and the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry technologies in secret underground military bases. The only thing we were told about was the rocketry work with former Nazi star celebrities like Warner Von Braun. The killers, torturers, and mutilators of innocent human beings were kept discretely out of sight, but busy in U.S. underground military facilities which gradually became home to thousands upon thousands of  kidnapped American children snatched off the streets (about one million per year) and placed into iron bar cages stacked from floor to ceiling as part of the ‘training’. These children would be used to further refine and perfect Mengele’s mind control technologies. Certain selected children (at least the ones who survived the ‘training’) would become future mind controlled slaves who could be used for thousands of different jobs ranging anywhere from sexual slavery to assassinations. A substantial portion of these children, who were considered expendable, were intentionally slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children in order to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and submission 2.
Mengele’s research served as a basis for the covert, illegal CIA human research program named MK-ULTRA.


Declassified MK-Ultra document
Project MK-ULTRA ran from the early 1950s to at least the late 1960s, using American and Canadian citizens as its test subjects. The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and physical abuse.
The most publicized experiments conducted by MK-ULTRA involved the administration of LSD on unwitting human subjects, including CIA employees, military personnel, doctors, other government agents, prostitutes, mentally ill patients, and members of the general public, in order to study their reactions.
However, the scope of MK-ULTRA does not however stop. Experiments involving violent electroshocks, physical and mental torture and abuse were used in a systematic matter on many subjects, including children.
Declassified picture of a young MK-ULTRA subject, 1961.
Although the admitted goals of the projects were to develop torture and interrogation methods to use on the country’s enemies, some historians asserted that the project aimed to create “Manchurian Candidates”, programmed to perform various acts such as assassinations and other covert missions.
MK-ULTRA was brought to light by various commissions in the 1970s, including the Rockefeller Commission of 1975. Although it is claimed that the CIA stopped such experiments after these commissions, some whistle-blowers have come forth stating that the project simply went “underground” and Monarch Programming has become the classified successor of MK-ULTRA.
The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication The New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, “What about monarch?” he replied angrily and ambiguously, “We stopped that between the late 1960s and the early 1970s.” 3.

Monarch Programming

Although there has never been any official admittance of the existence  of Monarch programming, prominent researchers have documented the systematic use of trauma on subjects for mind-control purposes. Some survivors, with the help of dedicated therapists, were able to “deprogram” themselves to then go on record and disclose the horrifying details of their ordeals.
Monarch slaves are mainly used by organizations to carry out operations using patsies trained to perform specific tasks, who do not question orders, who do not remember their actions and, if discovered, who automatically commit suicide. They are the perfect scapegoats for high-profile assassinations (see Sirhan Sirhan), the ideal candidates for prostitution, slavery and private movie productions. They are also the perfect puppet performers for the entertainment industry.
“What I can say is I now believe that ritual-abuse programming is widespread, is systematic, is very organized from highly esoteric information which is published no-where, has not been on any book or talk show, that we have found it all around this country and at least one foreign country.
People say, “What’s the purpose of it?” My best guess is that the purpose of it is that they want an army of Manchurian Candidates, ten of thousands of mental robots who will do prostitution, do movies, smuggle narcotics, engage in international arms smuggling, all sorts of very lucrative things, and do their bidding and eventually the megalomaniacs at the top believe they’ll create a Satanic Order that will rule the world”. 4
Monarch programmers cause intense trauma to subjects through the use of electroshock, torture, abuse and mind games in order to force them to dissociate from reality – a natural response in  some people when then are faced with unbearable pain. The subject’s ability to dissociate is a major requirement and it is ,apparently, most readily found in children that come from families with multiple generations of abuse. Mental dissociation enables the handlers to create walled-off personas in the subject’s psyche, which can then be programmed and triggered at will.
“Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition.
Installation of mind control programming relies on the victim’s capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off personalities to “hold” and “hide” programming. Already dissociative children are prime “candidates” for programming”. 5
Monarch mind control is covertly used by various groups and organizations for various purposes. According to Fritz Springmeier, these groups are known as “The Network” and form the backbone of the New World Order.


Monarch mind control is named after the Monarch butterfly – an insect who begins its life as a worm (representing undeveloped potential) and, after a period of cocooning (programming) is reborn as a beautiful butterflies (the Monarch slave). Some characteristics specific to the Monarch butterfly are also applicable to mind control.
“One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically. The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically (which it is), then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind control.” 6

“When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity), to a butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique.” 7


The victim/survivor is called a “slave” by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as “master” or “god.” About 75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate more easily than males. Monarch handlers seek the compartmentalization of their subject’s psyche in multiple and separate alter personas using trauma to cause dissociation.
The following is a partial list of these forms of torture:
1. Abuse and torture
2. Confinement in boxes, cages, coffins, etc, or burial (often with an opening or air-tube for oxygen)
3. Restraint with ropes, chains, cuffs, etc.
4. Near-drowning
5. Extremes of heat and cold, including submersion in ice water and burning chemicals
6. Skinning (only top layers of the skin are removed in victims intended to survive)
7. Spinning
8. Blinding light
9. Electric shock
10. Forced ingestion of offensive body fluids and matter, such as blood, urine, feces, flesh, etc.
11. Hung in painful positions or upside down
12. Hunger and thirst
13. Sleep deprivation
14 Compression with weights and devices
15. Sensory deprivation
16. Drugs to create illusion, confusion, and amnesia, often given by injection or intravenously
17. Ingestion or intravenous toxic chemicals to create pain or illness, including chemotherapy agents
18. Limbs pulled or dislocated
19. Application of snakes, spiders, maggots, rats, and other animals to induce fear and disgust
20. Near-death experiences, commonly asphyxiation by choking or drowning, with immediate resuscitation
22. Forced to perform or witness abuse, torture and sacrifice of people and animals, usually with knives
23. Forced participation in slavery
24. Abuse to become pregnant; the fetus is then aborted for ritual use, or the baby is taken for sacrifice or enslavement
25. Spiritual abuse to cause victim to feel possessed, harassed, and controlled internally by spirits or demons
26. Desecration of Judeo-Christian beliefs and forms of worship; dedication to Satan or other deities
27. Abuse and illusion to convince victims that God is evil, such as convincing a child that God has abused her
28. Surgery to torture, experiment, or cause the perception of physical or spiritual bombs or implants
29. Harm or threats of harm to family, friends, loved ones, pets, and other victims, to force compliance
30. Use of illusion and virtual reality to confuse and create non-credible disclosure 8.
“The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their System of alters is being used. The shield of secrecy allows cult members to live and work around other people and remain totally undetected. The front alters can be wonderful Christians, and the deeper alters can be the worst type of Satanic monster imaginable–a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde effect. A great deal is at stake in maintaining the secrecy of the intelligence agency or the occult group which is controlling the slave. The success rate of this type of programming is high but when it fails, the failures are discarded through death. Each trauma and torture serves a purpose. A great deal of experimentation and research went into finding out what can and can’t be done. Charts were made showing how much torture a given body weight at a given age can handle without death.” 9
“Due to the severe trauma induced through ECT, abuse and other methods, the mind splits off into alternate personalities from the core. Formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the basis for MONARCH programming. Further conditioning of the victim’s mind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation, along with various drugs which alter certain cerebral functions”. 10
Dissociation is thus achieved by traumatizing the subject, using systematic abuse and using terrifying occult rituals. Once a split in the core personality occurs, an “internal world” can be created and alter personas can be programmed using tools such as music, movies (especially Disney productions) and fairy tales. These visual and audio aids enhance the programming process using images, symbols, meanings and concepts. Created alters can then be accessed using trigger words or symbols programmed into the subject’s psyche by the handler. Some of the most common internal images seen by mind control slaves are trees, Cabalistic Tree of life, infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters, spider webs, mirrors, glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, butterflies, hour glasses, clocks and robots. These symbols are commonly inserted in popular culture movies and videos for two reasons: to desensitize the majority of the population, using subliminals and neuro-linguistic programming and to deliberately construct specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable MONARCH children.11 Some of the movies used in Monarch programming include The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty .
The movie The Wizard of Oz is used by Monarch handlers to program their slaves. Symbols and meanings in the movie become triggers in the slave’s mind enabling easy access to the slave’s mind by the handler. In popular culture, veiled references to Monarch programming often use analogies to The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.
In each case, the slave is given a particular interpretation of the movie’s storyline in order to enhance programming. For example, a slave watching The Wizard of Oz is taught that “somewhere over the rainbow” is the “happy place” dissociative trauma slaves must go to in order to escape the unbearable pain being inflicted upon them. Using the movie, programmers encourage slaves to go “over the rainbow” and dissociate, effectively separating their minds from their bodies.
“As mentioned before, the hypnotist will find children easier to hypnotize if they know how to do it with small children. One method that is effective is to say to the small children, “Imagine you are watching a favorite television show.” This is why the Disney movies and the other shows are so important to the programmers. They are the perfect hypnotic tool to get the child’s mind to dissociate in the right direction. The programmers have been using movies since almost day one to help children learn the hypnotic scripts. For children they need to be part of the hypnotic process. If the hypnotist allows the child to make up his own imagery, the hypnotic suggestions will be stronger. Rather than telling the child the color of a dog, the programmer can ask the child. This is where the books and films shown the child assist in steering its mind in the right direction. If the hypnotist talks to a child, he must take extra precaution not to change the tone of his voice and to have smooth transitions. Most of the Disney films are used for programming purposes. Some of them are specifically designed for mind-control.” 12


The levels of Monarch Programming identify the slave’s “functions” and are named after the Electroencephalography (EEG) brainwaves associated with them.
Types of brain waves in EEG
Monitoring brain waves through the scalp
Regarded as “general” or regular programming,  ALPHA is within the base control personality. It characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victims personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of Left and Right through neuron pathway stimulation.
BETA is referred to as “sexual” programming (slaves). This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. Known as Kitten programming, it is the most visible kind of programming as some female celebrities, models, actresses and singers have been subjected to this kind of programming. In popular culture, clothing with feline prints often denote Kitten programming.
DELTA is known as “killer” programming and was originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear and very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.
THETA – Considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems. 13

In Conclusion

It is difficult to remain objective when describing the horrors endured by Monarch slaves. The extreme violence, the abuse, the mental torture and sadistic games inflicted on victims by “notable scientists” and high-level officials prove the existence of a true “dark side” in the powers that be. Despite the revelations, the documents and the whistle-blowers, a great majority of the population ignores, dismisses or avoids the issue altogether. Over two million Americans have been programmed by trauma mind-control since 1947 and the CIA publicly admitted its mind control projects in 1970. Movies such as The Manchurian Candidate have directly referred to the subject, even depicting actual  techniques, such as electroshock, the use of trigger words and microchip implementation. Several public figures we see on our TV and movie screens are mind control slaves. Famous people such as Candy JonesCelia Imrie and Sirhan Sirhan have gone on record and disclosed their mind control experiences…and yet the general public claims that it “cannot exist”.
The research and funds invested in project Monarch do not however only apply to mind control slaves. Many of the programming techniques perfected in these experiments are applied on a mass scale through mass media. Mainstream news, movies, music videos, advertisements and television shows are conceived using the most advanced data on human behavior ever compiled. A lot of this comes from Monarch programming.

Original Article:

Paramore’s “Brick by Boring Brick”: A Song about Mind Control

Dec 5th, 2009 | Category: Music Business | 479 comments

“Brick by Boring Brick” by the band Paramore describes the adventures of a girl in a fantasy land. The wonder quickly turns into a nightmare and the friendly creatures turn against her. What is the meaning of this video? The answer is concealed in the symbolism of the video and alludes to a disturbing practice: mind control.
I’ve been often asked if the symbolism described in my previous articles are found in music videos outside of the R&B genre I usually analyze. The answer is sadly ‘yes’ and Paramore’s Brick by Boring Brick is a stunning example. This pop-punk band, described as “emo without being whiny or bratty” primarily appeals to kids and teenagers.
They have obtained worldwide success and numerous awards for their singles crushcrushcrush andDecode. The band has been featured in numerous movies (Twilight) and video games. The newest album of the band, named Brand New Eyes, introduces to the fans symbolism they are probably not familiar with. Looking at the promotional material, readers of this site will probably recognize signs and symbols used by other pop stars as well.  To make it simple: Paramore seems to have been influenced by the Illuminati. Brick by Boring Brick steers away from the usual high school themes of the band to tackle a subject that is totally oblivious to most teenagers: mind control and, more precisely, Monarch Programming.

That Darned One Eye Symbol

As seen with  Lady Gaga, Rihanna and other artists using mind control symbolism in their videos,  Paramore has adopted the “One-Eye” symbol in their promotional pictures:
Please don’t tell me it is a coincidence.

Monarch Programming

As discussed in previous articles, Monarch Programming is a mind-control technique used mostly on children to make them dissociate from reality.
“One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.
The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation. American Indian tribes (who had traumatic ritual dances and who would wait motionless for hours when hunting), children of Fakirs in India (who would sleep on a bed of nails or walk on hot coals), children of Yogis (those skilled in Yoga, who would have total control over their body while in a trance), Tibetan Buddhists, children of Vodoun, Bizango and other groups have a good ability to disassociate.
The children of multigenerational abuse are also good at dissociation. The Illuminati families and European occultists went to India and Tibet to study occultism and eastern philosophy. These Europeans learned yoga, tantric yoga, meditations, and trances and other methods to disassociate. These skills are passed on to their children via genetics. A test is run when the children are about 18 months old to determine if they can dissociate enough to be selected for programming or not.”
-The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
Mind Control Victim, 1961
During sexual abuse, electroshock therapy and all kinds of sadistic tortures, mind control slaves are encouraged to dissociate from reality and to go to “a happy place”. The use of fairy tale imagery is used to reinforce programming and to create an alternate reality. The victim’s brain, in self-preservation mode, creates a new persona (an “alter”) as a defense mechanism to the abuse. The blurring of the lines between reality and fantasy makes the slave totally oblivious of his/her true state.
Paramore’s latest album is called “Brand New Eyes”, which has obvious mind control/Illuminati connotations. The cover features a pinned butterfly with its wings separated from its body … symbolic indeed.

Brick by Boring Brick

Paramore’s song is, at face value, about a girl escaping her problems and acting childish only to realize that it makes things worse. Behind this first degree meaning, lies a second layer of interpretation: the song describes, in chilling detail, the reality of a mind-control slave. The video manages to assemble all of the symbolism usually associated with Monarch Programming in about three minutes, leaving no doubt concerning this secondary meaning of the song.
Right from the start of the video, the subject matter of the song is made very clear. The setting is totally unreal and synthetically created.  A little girl, apparently a child version of the singer Hayley,runs towards a strange world, bearing monarch butterfly wings on her back, symbolizing that she is a Monarch slave. She almost reluctantly enters a symbolic gateway, representing the start of her dissociative state. The door violently shuts down behind her, which hints the viewers to the fact that this wonderland is forcibly induced on the child. The lyrics of the first verse describe the reality of the slave.
Well she lives in the fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of a world that she’s left behind

It’s all about the exposure the lens I told her

The angles are all wrong now
She’s ripping wings off of butterflies
The girl lives in a “fairy tale”, which is her dissociative mind state. It is “too far for us to find” due to the fact that this world can only be found in the confines of her consciousness. The slave has been removed from her family and the real world to live in a confined environment. She has “forgotten the taste and smell” of the the “real world” she has left behind. She lives in a prison for kids, a human rat laboratory and she is constantly manipulated by her handlers. All of her senses are subject to constant pressure and pain and her perception of reality is completely distorted: “The angles are all wrong now“. She is a Monarch slave and is thus “ripping wings off of butterflies“. 
Keep your feet on the ground
When your head’s in the clouds
The dissociative state experienced by Monarch slaves is often described as a sensation of weightlessness. While her feet are on the ground, her consciousness is in an alternate reality or “in the clouds“.
The girl in the video walks around this strange world filled with fairy tale characters which are reminiscent of those found in Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz, the stories most commonly associated with mind control. The blurriness of the scenes and the presence of mushrooms in the background refer to the use of hallucinogenic drugs during Monarch Programming.
The girl enters a castle, representing her inner consciousness. Mirrors, reflections and the girl’s multiplication symbolize the girl’s fragmented/compartmentalized mind state.
The girl stands still while an independent, alternate personality, looking back at her through the mirror brushes her hair. Mirrors and castles are triggers that are often used in Monarch Programming.
“The premise of trauma-based mind control (a version of which was known as the MK Ultra program) is to compartmentalize the brain, and then use techniques to access the different sections of the brain while the subject is hypnotized. Entire systems can be embedded into a person’s mind, each with its own theme, access codes and trigger words. Some of the most common and popular symbolisms and themes in use are Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz, mirrors, porcelain/harlequin masks, the phoenix/phoenix rising, rainbows, butterflies, owls, keys, carousels, puppets/marionettes and dolls,willow trees, tornadoes, spirals/helixes, castles, rings, hallways and doors, elevators and stairs.”-Source
The second verse of the song describes a disturbing reality of Monarch slaves.
So one day he found her crying
Coiled up on the dirty ground
Her prince finally came to save her
And the rest you can figure out
But it was a trick
And the clock struck 12
This is the picture painted by this verse: the slave’s handler enters her “cell”, where she is coiled up and deeply traumatized. The floor is dirty. It has been documented that victims of mind control are forced to live rooms littered with feces (I can’t make this stuff up). Her “prince”, who is in fact her handler, comes in to “save her from her pain”. Handlers are often portrayed as the slave’s savior, who will guide them through traumatic events. The line “And the rest you can figure out” alludes to the worst: the “prince” came to rape her. It was a trick, he was not a prince,  only a sadistic handler furthering the girl’s trauma with sexual abuse. During those repeated assaults, the slaves are forced to dissociate from reality. The lyrics of the song’s bridge aptly define this concept.
Well you built up a world of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a world of magic
She has built, brick by brick, a wall in her consciousness that dissociates her from reality. She escapes into a world of magic due to the extreme trauma she has to live through on a daily basis.

The Awakening

Probably because the girl’s curiosity concerning her own mind has lead her too far, the world of wonders quickly becomes nightmarish. Creepy puppets make their way out of the mirrors. The characters of her fairy tale world suddenly become terrifying. An evil-looking character, dressed as a thief holding an ax, approaches her. Is she being reprimanded by her handlers for “not following the script” of her programming? The girl is understandably freaked out and runs away. The lyrics explain this difference between reality and fiction.
If it’s not real
You can’t hold it in your hand
You can’t feel it with your heart
And I won’t believe it
But if it’s true
You can see it with your eyes
Or even in the dark
And that’s where I want to be, yeah
The girl runs out of the castle and falls into the grave dug by … Paramore? That is not really cool of them. Hayley gets up, throws the girl’s doll into the grave and they start burying her. At face value, this can interpreted as the burial of the “young irresponsible girl” living in a fairy tale. On a second level, this can be seen as the burial of the innocence of a child after experiencing traumatic events.
If you have keen eyes, you can notice a white rabbit inside the hole. Is it the white rabbit of Alice in Wonderland? As Morpheus says in the Matrix:
“You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. “
Whatever the meaning one attributes to the burial, the message of the video is not to sympathetic to the girl’s quest of self-knowledge and emancipation. Seems like they’re saying “This is what you get for trying to know your real self”.

In Conclusion

After viewing the video a couple of times, I asked myself if the song was actually a denunciation of mind-control practices … maybe it was trying to inform and warn people on the subject. So I visited some Paramore-related sites and forums to see if the song had sparked discussions concerning its deeper meaning. I quickly came back to the reality of things: Young people listen to this music and they have absolutely NO IDEA what’s going on. About 97% of educated adults are totally unaware of the existence of mind control (let alone its symbolism), so to expect high schoolers know about this is totally absurd. Here are some actual comments from fans about this song: “I luv the Badabada part!“, “Hayley looks great in blonde!“or “I don’t like the burying part!“.
So with that in mind I keep asking myself: Why do we use symbolism and triggers associated with mind control in videos aimed at the young people? They are totally oblivious to the reality of Monarch programming, so why do we expose them to it? After realizing that the group has adopted some of the Illuminati symbolism discussed in previous articles, the answer became very clear: They are part of the System, with a capital “S”. This System hypnotically conditions people to accept mind control as part of their daily lives and the trend is becoming increasingly apparent. I can already hear the naysayers saying “nay” to everything and finding ways to rationalize everything that has been discussed here. Maybe they should ponder on those words:
“Even as he dances to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, the modern man scoffs with a great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from media and government. Modern man is much too smart to believe anything as superstitious as that!
Modern man is the ideal hypnotic subject: puffed up on the idea that he is the crown of creation, he vehemently denies the power of the hypnotist’s control over him as his head bobs up and down on a string.”
-Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
Mind Controlled Sex Slaves And The CIA
Sunday, November 25, 2012 10:05

Published on Nov 25, 2012 by DiscloseTruthTV
Journalist and occult expert Tracy Twyman discussed the shocking stories from her new book, Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA. She covered a number of infamous accounts within this realm, such as the story of Cathy O’Brien, the Franklin Cover-Up, and the disappearance of Johnny Gosch. Reflecting on the more credible stories she has researched, Twyman said, “They don’t seem like they’re seeking attention. They don’t even seem like people who have read Internet conspiracy theories. They seem like they’re talking about the experiences they had.”
Looking at where these stories may have originated, Twyman detailed Project Monarch, which purportedly was part of the notorious CIA mind control program known as MK Ultra. According to her, Monarch “always involved a nexus of child sex abuse, mind control programming, Satanism, and the intelligence community.” Such practices were allegedly used to create multiple personalities within the victims and, in turn, make them programmable government pawns. Based on her research, Twyman said “when this technique was mastered by the intelligence community, they used it to create mind controlled sex slaves.” She postulated that the motive behind such devious pursuits was twofold: the slaves were either for personal use by powerful individuals or, more often, used to blackmail powerful people who partook in their services.
She also recounted the testimony from her informants who claimed to have been abused during “black masses” that were held, in secret, at Christian churches. “They reversed the Catholic Mass and all the symbolism of the Mass is reversed to make it evil instead of good,” she explained. One such ritual, that Twyman had been told about from a first hand experiencer, was the “Rite to Remain Silent.” This horrific ceremony saw a lamb being sacrificed and the blood poured on the victim. Based on her sources, she said that “the purpose of the ritual was to traumatize her and to teach her to stay silent about all of the abuse she was enduring.” Twyman said that such Satanic use of churches, while seemingly impossible to believe, “was really quite prevalent in people’s stories.”
Tracy Twyman has been writing about alternative history and the occult for 14 years. She is the author of several nonfiction books and is also the former Editor of Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine, a journal of esoteric history that was published from 1996 to 2003. In 2006 her website made national news when it was banned by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on charges of blasphemy. Recently she was featured in the documentary film Bloodline, released in May 2008. Her book The Merovingian Mythos was licensed by Sony Pictures for use in the upcoming film Angels and Demons, prequel to The Da Vinci Code.
Project MKUltra was the code name for an illegal, covert research operation by the Central Intelligence Agency, experimenting into the behavioral engineering of humans through their Scientific Intelligence division. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MKUltra involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate people’s individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture
In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MKUltra, which led to Senate hearings later that same year. In July of 2001 some surviving information regarding MKUltra was officially declassified.
Declassified MKUltra documents indicate hypnosis was studied in the early 1950s. Experimental goals included: the creation of “hypnotically induced anxieties,” “hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter,” studying hypnosis and polygraph examinations, “hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall complex arrangements of physical objects,” and studying “relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosis.” Experiments were conducted with drug induced hypnosis and with anterograde and retrograde amnesia while under the influence of such drugs.
Conspiracy theories
MKUltra plays a part in many conspiracy theories given its nature and the destruction of most records.
Lawrence Teeter, attorney for convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan, believed Sirhan was under the influence of hypnosis when he fired his weapon at Robert F. Kennedy in 1968. Teeter linked the CIA’s MKUltra program to mind control techniques that he claimed were used to control Sirhan.