Monday, December 3, 2012

Comparison to Pre-Civil War Slavery

There are many different kinds of slavery/human trafficking. Hard labor, prostituion, debt bondage. The African American slaves prior to the civil war were kidnapped from their homes in Africa, taken away from everything they knew and loved, and forced to work on plantations for brutal masters. They were beaten, raped, and deprived of any type of human dignity. It truly was a hellish existance, and it thankfully came to an end on Janruary 1, 1863, when all slaves were declared free under the Emancipation Proclamation.

But consider this--the African American slaves suffered horrific physical and emotional pain. But one thing that the slave masters could never take was their minds. Their ability to dream and hope that maybe one day they could become free. And many corageous slaves did manage to make their dreams a reality by escaping. Now, if the government documents and personal testimonies are true, and there really are people who are having their souls shattered into multiple personalities, being manipulated through sophisticated torture techniques...imagine how horrible it would be to not even have control over your own thoughts and actions. At least the African American slaves COULD resist their masters if they were willing to risk the consequences. These MK Ultra and Monarch slaves, if their claims are to be believed, can't even inwardly protest to what happens to them.

Obvioulsy, all forms of slavery are terrible, but I believe that the idea of mind control takes it to a whole new level of disturbing.

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